Who are we?
We have a team of Carers Involvement and Development Workers that are funded by NHS organisations in Hertfordshire and Hertfordshire County Council. They work with people in different caring situations, including with people looking after a relative, partner, or friend with a mental health condition, who misuses drugs or alcohol or has a dual diagnosis (both a mental illness and substance misuse).
What do we do?
We will:
- Provide you with the training and support you may need to help you represent your views to the health and social care authorities who commission and manage mental health services in Hertfordshire
- Provide you with the opportunity to meet and talk to other carers who have had similar experiences to your own
- Hold Mental Health Carers’ Meetings, both in person and virtually via Zoom. The meetings enable carers to socialise with others in a similar situation and to share information and concerns. To find out about our meetings, please get in touch.
- Feed your views into Hertfordshire’s Mental Health Co-production Board, which has representatives from statutory services, the voluntary sector, service users and carers. For more information on Co-production in Hertfordshire CLICK HERE
Mental Health News and Events
Hertfordshire’s out-of-hours mental health crisis service – Nightlight – is provided by Herts Mind Network. It has centres that offer a safe haven for you to use if you want some time out or would like to talk through the issues that you are experiencing with someone who will listen, but not make judgements. You can find out more information about the service at www.hertsmindnetwork.org/nightlight
Hertfordshire Mind Network also provides a helpline for people in Hertfordshire to call if they are feeling distressed or experiencing a mental health crisis. The helpline number is 01923 256391 and is open seven days a week at various hours – mainly in the evenings and overnight. For more information about the helpline visit www.hertsmindnetwork.org/crisis-helpline
Other useful contacts
Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT) provides support and care for those with mental ill health or a learning disability. You can find out an update (from September 2020) about their services during COVID-19 and the easing of lockdown restrictions in the download area below.
Rethink Mental Illness provide a range of services including carer support. They run a Caring and Coping Course over six sessions, provided online during the coronavirus situation.
The Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board also has a list of services in the county which provide mental health support for adults which you may find useful. This list is available at this link.
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention – Top 10 De-escalation Tips
Rethink’s Carers Assessments Factsheet
HPFT presentation about plans for Adult Mental Health Inpatient Services (578KB)
Factsheet – Information for parent carers of young people with mental health concerns (201KB)
Mental Health Act Amendments Proposals (White Paper) Discussion (364KB)