Support For Young Carers

The information, advice and support we offer to young carers.

Whatever impact caring has on you, you are not alone. With us, you’ll find the support that’s right for you.

The Young Carers Team listens to every young carer and their family’s concerns. Then, we work with you to:

  • Give you a break from caring
  • Give you a chance to meet other young carers
  • Speak to your school so they can support you
  • Give you the same opportunities as other young people

First Steps

If you would like us to support you, the first step is to get in touch.

You can talk to us openly and in confidence about what you are going through. We will not judge you or pass on information without your consent, unless someone is in danger.

How We Support You

 Once we’ve got to know you and your family better, we’ll work with you to support you in your caring role. This could involve:

  • Trips and activities with other young carers who have similar experiences to you
  • Visiting you at home or school to talk in more detail about how you’re doing, what you’re finding hard and what you’d love to do more of
  • Support through big changes in your life such as:
    • moving to secondary school
    • choosing your subject options
    • moving into work or further education
  • An opportunity to be part of the Young Carers’ Council, where you can talk about the things that affect your life
  • Activities which give you a break from caring – our ‘Make a Difference Breaks’

To find out more about how we can help you, get in touch.

Please note: If you are currently working with a Social Worker then please share their details with us. This is so that we can talk to them and make sure that your voice and your caring role is part of their assessment. When you finish working with them let us know; this way we can check in with you to see how things are going. Whilst you are working with your Social Worker, you are still very welcome to come to our activities, get a Carers Passport discount card, or call us for information about your caring role.

More About Make A Difference

Make Difference Breaks are activities, events or equipment which give young carers a chance to get healthy, recharge and have fun. They often involve a hobby such as dance, drama, gymnastics, sports, music, or whatever else you enjoy.

As we work with you, our team will consider whether Make a Difference Breaks are the right support for you. If they are, we’ll talk to you and your parents or guardians.

To find out more about the different ways we support, drop us a line.

More About Moving School

Moving school, especially from Y6 to Y7, can be an exciting and daunting time for young carers and their families.

To make this transition as easy as possible, have a read of our guides about the different stages of moving:

For parents and guardians:

For young carers:

We also run workshops about moving schools during the Easter Holidays. These are a chance for young carers and their parents to share all their questions and concerns about the transition.

We offer tailored support sessions about moving school for individual families over Zoom.

If you’d like to find out more about these resources and workshops, or have any questions about a school transition, don’t hesitate to give us a bell.

Useful Resources for Young Carers

Worry Workbook

  • A booklet made by the Young Carers team at Carers in Hertfordshire to help you process any worries you may be feeling.

Emergency Contact Form

  • If the person you support ever goes to hospital, this is a list of people you could contact or stay with. We suggest you keep one of these at home and give one of them to your school.

Families First Portal

  • Information about support for families in Hertfordshire

Services for Young People

  • A list of activities for young people in your area

Jobs and Apprenticeships in Hertfordshire

  • A jobs and apprentices board for young people in Hertfordshire

Carers Trust

  • Information from the Carers Trust about the support for and rights of Young Carers and Young Adult Carers

Mindful Peak Performance

  • Free videos guiding young carers through BAM! boxing and mindfulness home workout sessions.

Money Helper

  • Information and calculators that can help you find out about the benefits available to Young Carers.