If you are already registered with Carers in Hertfordshire as a carer or bereaved carer but do not already receive emails, you can complete the form below to receive the latest news from us sooner. You can also use the form to change how you receive our six-monthly newsletter Carewaves.
If you are already registered with Carers in Hertfordshire as a carer or bereaved carer but do not already receive emails, you can complete the form below to receive the latest news from us sooner. You can also use the form to change how you receive our six-monthly newsletter Carewaves.
If you are not already registered with Carers in Hertfordshire as a carer, please complete our online registration form instead or contact us.
We send emails with notifications of our events for carers, updates on our services, and other information we think may be useful to you. We try to make the emails you receive relevant to what you have told us about your caring situation.
We are mindful of what we send out as we don’t want to fill up your inboxes and appreciate you may have limited time to manage correspondence. Most carers receive an average of 1 – 2 emails a week.