E&N Herts Hospital Trust Carers Forum

Tuesday 5th November 2024, 7pm to 8.30pm. The East & North Herts Hospitals Trust Carers Forum is open to carers who have experience of using services at the Lister, QEII or Hertford County Hospitals either for themselves or for the people they support.   

East & North Herts Hospital Trust Carers Forum

  • Tuesday 5th November 2024, 7pm to 8.30pm.

    The East & North Herts Hospitals Trust Carers Forum is open to carers who have experience of using services at the Lister, QEII or Hertford County Hospitals either for themselves or for the people they support.   

    The Forum is hosted by Janaxle Enabore, Clinical Excellence Nurse and Sophie Williams, Patient and Carer Experience Lead.  It provides carers with the opportunity to feedback on their experiences and find out about the support provided for carers by the Trust.